Tooting planning applications: Ten decisions about properties near you

By Tommy Joyce

8th Dec 2021 | Property of the Week

Planning applications recently received or decided on by Wandsworth Council (Image: Issy Millett, Nub News)
Planning applications recently received or decided on by Wandsworth Council (Image: Issy Millett, Nub News)

Tooting Planning Applications

Below is a list of planning applications in Tooting recently received or decided on by Wandsworth Council.

To search the planning application database in the borough of Wandsworth, click here.

64B Upper Tooting Road SW17 7PB

Erection of an additional floor to building to form extra office/storage space. Validated: 29/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

[H3]Pelican London Hotel And Residence 203 Blackshaw Road SW17 0BZ

Alterations including erection of a two-storey extension the to the front of the main building to provide reception and lobby space, 2 x hotel rooms and office space. Validated: 28/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

[H3]Land rear of 950- 952 Garratt Lane SW17 0ND

Demolition of existing single storey garage and Erection of two-storey detached building (plus basement and roof levels) to provide 2 x 3 bedroom and 2 x 1 bed flats with first floor rear 'built in terraces' and secure bicycle and refuse storage at front. Validated: 08/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

[H3]1079 Garratt Lane SW17 0LN

Change of use from a Therapy Clinic (Class E) to an Accountancy Office (Class E). Validated: 28/10/2021. Decided: 07/12/2021.

28 Tooting High Street SW17 0RG

Details of Amenity Space boundary, Central Bench Feature, Landscaping, Paving and soft build ups pursuant to conditions 4, 5, 6 and 7 of planning permission dated 30/11/2020 ref 2020/2061 (Alterations to elevations and roofs; provision of external spiral staircase to second floor, in connection with change of use of ground floor from flexible use (Class A1/A2/A3/B1/D1/D2) to residential (Class C3) to provide 1 x 1-bedroom, 4 x 2-bedroom and 1 x 3-bedroom flats with associated refuse and cycle storage and amenity space). Validated: 20/10/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

15 Smallwood Road SW17 0TN

Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 21/10/2021 ref 2021/3345 (Demolition of existing property and outbuildings and erection of two-storey building plus roof and basement with front and rear lightwells to create 1 x 3-bedroom, 2 x 2-bedroom and 2 x 1-bedroom flats with associated outside amenity space, refuse and cycle storage) to allow creation of roof terrace with 1.7m obscured glazed safety surround at first floor level. Validated: 06/12/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

4 A Khartoum Road SW17 0HZ

Alterations including erection of a roof extension to main rear roof including raising the ridge by 300mm and extension above part of the two storey back addition; Formation of a roof terrace with 1.7m high glazed surround above the two storey back addition. Validated: 10/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

109 Derinton Road SW17 8HZ

Alterations including erection of a dormer extension to main rear roof and single storey rear extension. Validated: 18/10/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.

100 Graveney Road SW17 0EH

Alterations including erection of single-storey rear/side extension. Validated: 25/10/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision. [H3]180-214 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7ER Details of sound insulation pursuant to condition 10 of planning permission dated 10/08/2018 ref 2017/4726 (Demolition of the existing buildings, with the retention and restoration of the RACS building facade and redevelopment of the remainder of the site to provide a part single/part four/part five-storey building to provide up to 2,105sqm of flexible floorspace at ground level for retail, financial and professional services, restaurant, pub and bar (Classes A1-A4) and 173sqm floorspace for community use (Class D1/D2); a 96-bedroom hotel (Class C1); 41 residential units (comprising 9 x 1-bedroom, 29 x 2-bedroom and 3 x 3-bedroom units); associated car parking for 45 cars (including 29 spaces for public use), 124 cycle parking spaces, servicing areas and landscaping.). Validated: 29/09/2021. Decided: 05/11/2021.


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